Saturday, November 13, 2010

Isaiah 40.31 “but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

It’s very likely you’re familiar with this verse; it’s a popular choice for greeting cards and coffee mugs. But when is the last time you really tried to hear what God is telling us here in these 32 words?

When we grow weary, we must examine ourselves and ask our heart to reveal the truth about where our hope lies. Most likely, my hope can be found hidden in tasks, responsibilities, and accomplishments that I have on MY agenda. God always shows me when my hope has been displaced because it is then that I am weary. I grow weak. I become emotionally faint, going through the motions and trying to make it through each day.  Sound familiar?

Here’s the thing about this verse- we so often miss the practical truth because we can’t wait to imagine soaring on eagle’s wings. We’ll get to that, but for now, don’t miss this: God isn’t telling us to stop moving. Do you see that? He’s telling us that when our hope, our future, our perspective is in Him alone, we can RUN and not grow weary. We can WALK and not grow faint. In other words, when we move with our eyes focused to an eternal perspective, God will multiply our efforts. Refresh us as we MOVE.

Much like water stations along a marathon route, God knows our path. He sets our pace. He knows when to meet us with refreshment, with nourishment that is just enough to satisfy our soul as we move. And yet, while God expects us to always move, He doesn’t always expect us to run. Or even walk. He knows when our tired and aching legs tremble for a break. That’s just when He promises to renew our strength, and true to His character, God chooses an amazing way to do it!

God promises that we can soar on wings like eagles. Now don’t read this with a coffee mug picture in your mind…really imagine EXACTLY what this means. The problem with coffee mug quotes is that they allow limited perspective. You saw this verse and had a mental image given to you by a photographer looking up at an eagle, right? Guess what- that’s not at all what God wants us to see when we read this verse.

God lifts us from the pounding cadence of feet upon earth to the clarity and perspective of an aerial view. Eagles have vision that is among the sharpest of all animals, seeing twice the distance of humans. So while God renews our strength, we are able to move at a faster pace because it is His vision that now guides us. On eagle’s wings we are able to view things from His perspective, but we must not forget the fact we’re still limited by our capacity to see with clarity. When we sense that God is moving things along at a swifter than usual pace, we must resist the urge to “see” what is going on, or to anticipate where He’s taking us. Continue to hope in Him, trust in His promise and His ability to take us places we could never imagine. Enjoy the view, but remember that you aren’t physically able with human eyes to appreciate all that lies around you.

Did you know that the largest eagles (such as the Harpy Eagle) often weigh more than 20 pounds and have a wingspan of 8 feet? 8 feet!! I’m only 5 feet tall on a good day- so in 8 feet I have plenty of space, no matter how much I stretch out, yet it’s still enough room for someone half again my height to be comfortable! Now THAT’S an image of a place to rest!

And yet there is another interesting point, that God chose an eagle. I know it doesn’t seem that interesting at first, beyond the obvious “wow” factor. But, did you know that even though God created eagles to be magnificent soaring birds that can cover large amounts of territory at a time, they aren’t exactly good at flying? This means that while they are amazing to behold in flight, they aren’t very good at taking off and landing! How funny is that? Ever sense that God was about to show you an amazing perspective, only to find that the times immediately before and after your intimate revelation with Him weren’t very comfortable? Don’t be distracted by frustration, just remember that eagles are known for soaring, and that even in the sometimes bumpy take-off and landing, you’re still moving!

©2010 Carmen Powell
Used with permission

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